Powerhouse Company wins competition with The Harmony on the Amsterdam Zuidas

The Harmony is a perfect blend of office space, commercial facilities, and affordable family homes. Consisting of two distinctive elements—The Canyon and The Coast—integrated seamlessly into an architectural ensemble, it fosters a harmonious living, working, and relaxing environment. The project is developed by Zadelhoff and establishes a new connection between Zuidas and Ravel.

A welcoming addition at the intersection
Situated at a pivotal point between the high-urban Zuidas and the tranquil Ravel residential area, Powerhouse Company designed two buildings, each with a distinct theme.

Image © Powerhouse Company

The Canyon embodies a warm and earthy ambiance with rounded shapes, while The Coast features a lighter and orthogonal design. The Harmony is divided into five volumes, creating a smaller scale that fits the surrounding residential area.

Offices are situated on the formal side, while the residential program remains on the informal side. This thoughtful urban design makes the gardens accessible to everyone, anchoring the buildings in the urban fabric.

Image © Powerhouse Company

The Canyon
The Canyon sits adjacent to The Valley, blending both residential and office volumes. The vision was to create a symbiosis between orthogonal grids and natural, organic forms, reflecting the majestic appearance of a natural canyon.

Infused with earthy warm tones and undulating shapes, the architects aim to evoke a timeless and unique presence. The Canyon Passage stands out as a remarkable feature; spanning over five floors, it interrupts the building’s structure with a spectacular entrance gesture, offering visitors a stunning spatial experience.

Image © Powerhouse Company

The Coast
With The Coast, Powerhouse Company, together with Zadelhoff, offer hybrid buildings with diverse programs, integrating nature along park paths and urban amenities along the city boulevard.

The expansive coastal garden features birch trees, pebbles, and wooden beams, providing a playful space for relaxation. Inspired by the hues of the sea and beach, light and white tones promote calmness and balance.

Image © Powerhouse Company

The Coast draws inspiration from coastal chalk formations through orthogonal and blocky frames, echoed in both office and residential volumes. The design pays homage to this theme with the Coastal Garden and Gate.

Refined ensemble
Inspired by nature, each building features its own color scheme and ambiance, with high-quality inner gardens—the Hellingbos in The Canyon and the Coastal Garden in The Coast—providing a serene oasis for residents and visitors alike.

Image © Powerhouse Company

The greenery serves as a tranquil place where people gather and recreate, offering space for flora and fauna. Sustainability plays a significant role in the material choices; the design team opted for a hybrid building structure, utilizing both concrete and wood.

A selection of high-quality facade materials not only enhances aesthetics but also reduces CO2 emissions. The warm and nuanced color tones contribute to the overall ambiance. Powerhouse Company and Zadelhoff are creating a tranquil and green residential area seamlessly integrated into the urban landscape, in the heart of the city. Source by Powerhouse Company.

Image © Powerhouse Company

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Architect: Powerhouse Company

Partner Architect: Paul Stavert

Project Architect: Lex Lagendijk

Project Team: Niels Baljet, Emma Scholten, Meagan Kerr, Gert Ververs, Robert Cuijpers, Raphaël van der Peijl, Jagoda Owsianna, Albert Richters, Dinara Gataullina

Landscape design: Timo Cents Landscape & Urban Designer

Engineer: LBP I Sight, Ingenieursburo Linssen

Consultant: Basalt Bouwadvies BV

Client: Zadelhoff

Area: 35,000 m2

Period: 2023 – ongoing

Images: Vivid-Vision, Atchain, Courtesy of Powerhouse Company

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