Deadline Extended – Tree House 2024 Architecture Competition

Volume Zero and Tree House Architecture Competition would like to express our gratitude to everyone out there for sharing some amazing support. This is to bring to your notice that the deadline for registration and submissions has been pushed a little ahead thus giving you more time to work on your entries. If you haven’t registered yet, then here is your chance at gaining worldwide recognition.

The early bird registration deadline has been extended to 11:59 pm IST on 12th July, 2024. Volume Zero Competitions is back with its 2nd edition of the Tree House Architecture Competition. Calling for architects, designers, students, teachers, engineers, innovators, thinkers, and everyone else to be a part of the 24th edition of our architecture competitions.

Photo Courtesy of VolumeZero

We all have always yearned for our personal space, one that takes us far away from our chaotic and stressful lives; our very own Home rooted in Mother Nature, one that reconnects us to our origins, rejuvenating our mind, body, and soul. We all aspire for a home that is not just an extension of our persona but is also an expression of our individuality and freedom.

Our Homes are the most significant architectural spaces through which we experience our surroundings. An intimate place that protects, shelters, heals, nurtures, and defines our perspective helping us establish relations to navigate through the chaotic world outside this envelope. Our humble abodes are being redefined with every passing day, the world is fast changing, and so are the homes with it.

Photo Courtesy of VolumeZero

With the rise of concepts like Smart homes, Tiny Homes, Micro Homes, Homes today are versatile entities – doubling up as offices, play areas, work-out zones, and spaces for interaction and recreation, but at the center of all things is essentially a place to escape and rejuvenate our minds.

Growing up many of us have dreamt of living in a tree house, a fortress to protect and nurture everything we hold dear. An abode high up in the clouds, under the starry skies, amongst the tall trees, chirping sounds of birds and aromas of nature. A playscape for all our dear ones that fosters everyone around helping to fulfill our dreams cultivating a bond that stays. Source by Volume Zero.

Photo Courtesy of VolumeZero


Prizes of total USD 4000 broken down as follows:

1st Prize: USD 2000 + Certificates + Publication

2nd Prize: USD 1200 + Certificates+ Publication

3rd Prize: USD 800 + Certificates+ Publication

10 Honourable mentions: Certificates


Early Bird Registrations: 18th April 2024 to 12th July 2024

Standard Registrations: 13th July 2024 to 31st July 2024

Last day for queries: 2nd August 2024

Closing date for Submissions: 2nd October 2024

Announcement of winners: 10th October 2024

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