Lifeguard Station by Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz
The conceptualization for the design of this coast guard station is inspired by the morphology of seabirds, especially seagulls. The most relevant design premises were to be observation post.
Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz
Raised cantilevered site with quick access to the beach that could be built at different scales and with different levels depending on the hierarchy and number of personnel it would have.
Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz
Likewise, the aim was to generate an important landmark along the coast that could be articulated with the beach boulevards and that in the event of an emergency could serve as a temporary refuge.
Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz
Each station would be adapted to the particular conditions of the beach where they were built, so in some cases the cantilever would have to be propped up with independent columns. The lower part of the station functions as a breakwater and for the storage of equipment and machinery.
Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz
Approximately 300 AI explorations were required to reach the desired result. This work is dedicated to the sculptor Luis Castillo and the architects Juan Bernal Ponce and Franz Beer, who have significantly influenced my work over the years. Source and images Courtesy of Architect Rolando Cedeño de la Cruz.