The Old Town Hall’s Ground Floor Interior by Studio Olgoj Chorchoj

Studio Olgoj Chorchoj transformed the ground floor of Prague’s Old Town Hall into a modern tourist facility – a symbol of the overall cultivation of the capital’s tourism led by the City of Prague and Prague City Tourism.

Photo © Honza Zima

The renovation includes an information center, souvenir shop, and visitor facilities.

Photo © Honza Zima

Emphasizing functionality over ornate design, the interior elements are simple, clearly differentiated from the historic by their materials, colour, morphology and placement.

Photo © Honza Zima

Each detail, meticulously crafted, enhances the overall experience without overshadowing the Old Town Hall’s architectural charm. Source by Studio Olgoj Chorchoj.

Photo © Honza Zima

Photo © Honza Zima

Photo © Honza Zima

Photo © Honza Zima

Photo © Honza Zima

Photo © Honza Zima

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