Volume Zero and Marsception Architecture Competition would like to express our gratitude to everyone out there for sharing some amazing support. This is to bring to your notice that the deadline for registration and submissions has been pushed a little ahead thus giving you more time to work on your entries. If you haven’t registered yet, then here is your chance at gaining worldwide recognition. The early bird registration deadline has been extended to 11:59 pm IST on 12th April, 2024.
Volume Zero Competition is back with its 2nd edition of the Marsception Architecture Competition. Calling for all architecture design students, young professionals, innovators, seasoned professionals, and others to be a part of the 23rd edition of our architecture competitions. This competition presents the opportunity to create a utopian tomorrow, making mankind a multi-planetary species. The last few centuries have seen Mother Earth grappling with mounting pressure towards her resources due to mankind’s quest for a better life. This persistent pressure has now compounded into unpredictable and irrevocable changes to our climatic conditions and atmosphere.
To relieve this mounting weight, we have been taking huge strides in our efforts to find resources on other planets like Mars for a clean and sustainable future. With the latest edition of the architecture design competition, we aim to celebrate individuality, redefine sustainability, and exalt simple, resourceful living. Be a part of this movement; join a new wave of habitat designers! Humans have been captivated by the mystical nature of other celestial bodies surrounding our Planet Earth. This fascination has been translated to works of astronomy, astrology, architecture, and many other studies from making a simple telescope to humankind’s first steps on the Moon.
This unending drive for exploration has today led us to understand our neighboring solar systems and galaxies, thousands of light years away.
The previous decade has witnessed MARS as the center of attention for becoming a potential new habitat for the earth’s future population, resulting in a Martian race. With many visionary organizations and their ground-breaking explorative studies and research, the unseen future of inhabiting the Red Planet is now a real possibility.
The spaces for the program include:
• Living Area
• Sleeping Area for five
• Cooking Area
• Research Area
• Interaction Spaces
• Areas for Sanitation and Bath
• Recreation Area
• Controlled Areas for Farming
• Any other spaces that the participant wishes to specify.
The participants are to select a location anywhere on the topography of Mars. With interplanetary travel for humans, not a far-fetched idea and innovations made every day to make it a reality soon. It is now time to imagine and create a new civilization. A civilization the world has dreamt with an opportunity to design the future architectural prospect on the Red Planet for others to follow.
Early Bird Registrations: 27th January 2024 to 12th April 2024
Standard Registrations: 13th April 2024 to 9th
Source and images Courtesy of Volume Zero